
The efficacy and role of the Apple?

Apple, bulk fruits belonging to Rosaceae, not only is the fruit of China’s most important, is the world’s most widely planted, yield the most fruit. Its taste is sweet and sour, and rich nutrition. It has been determined, checked out Apple with 6.5 ~ 11.2 g fructose, glucose 2.5 to 3.5 g, 1.0 to 5.2 g of sucrose; also contains zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and carrots and other factors. The United States circulated a saying: “every meal, eat an apple, do not have to ask the doctor. Words, although some exaggeration, but Apple’s nutritional and medicinal value this glimpse. The nutrients because of Apple’s comprehensive and easily digested, therefore, very suitable for infants and young children, the elderly and patients with food.
Apple efficacy and role:
1, Apple has to reduce the effectiveness of the role of cholesterol
French researchers tested obtained: eating apples can reduce blood cholesterol and increase bile secretion and bile acid, thus avoiding the cholesterol deposits in the formation of gallstones in the bile. Some experiments found that people who frequently eat apples, more than 50 percent of the people, their cholesterol levels 10% less people than do not eat apples.
2, Apple also has the double effect and role of the laxative and antidiarrheal
The large intestine of cellulose contained in the apple can make the stool soft; Apples are rich in organic acids, stimulate peristalsis, and promote the smooth stool. On the other hand Apple contains pectin, can inhibit the normal intestinal peristalsis, so that digestion slowed, thus inhibiting the mild diarrhea.
3,Gala Apple have lower blood pressure
Apple contains more potassium, combined with the body of excess sodium excreted. When the human intake of sodium is too much, eat apples, help balance the body electrolyte. Apple contains phosphorus and iron and other elements susceptible to intestinal absorption, Bunao nourishing, rather God hypnotic effect. The apple aroma is a medicine to treat depression and sense of oppression. Experts After several tests found that in many smell the aroma of apple on the psychological impact of the largest, it has to eliminate the role of psychological sense of oppression. Mood has improved considerably after the clinical use of proven mental depression in patients with olfactory apple aroma, pleasant spirit, sense of oppression disappear. The experiments also proved that patients with insomnia fall asleep before the olfactory apple flavor, make people faster quiet sleep. Ji Zhi Wash the apples, each serving of 100 ml, 3 times a day, for taking 15 days for a course, Apple has to reduce the role of cholesterol. French researchers tested obtained: eating apples can reduce blood cholesterol and increase bile secretion and bile acid, thus avoiding the cholesterol deposits in the formation of gallstones in the bile. Some experiments found that people who frequently eat apples, more than 50 percent of the people, their cholesterol levels 10% less people than do not eat apples.

